Appointments Preferred
Call or Text us at 781-742-5271
Appointments Preferred
Call or Text us at 781-742-5271
We are conveniently located on the corner of West and Foss Street in Gardner.
Formerly known as the Chair City Steambath.
We are located on the second floor. Please use the stairs under the awning.
Expanded Hours!!
Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat 5pm - 10pm
Sunday 10am - 10pm
If you call and leave a message during the times
we are closed, we may not get your message until we re-open.
Please be patient as we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Thank you for your patience and kindness!!
You may have noticed that the business and the property are listed for sale, however WE ARE NOT CLOSING!! - There seems to be a misconception that we are closing. Our goal is to sell it as is and to find new owners who are going to continue to run and make this business even better. We will NOT sell the property to a builder who is only interested in the lot (to build a CVS for example).
Temperature in rooms is regulated by using a ladle to put water over a hot radiator, automatic drip also available. WARNING HOT - Rooms have been known to reach 110 degrees Fahrenheit. You control how hot!
We provide complimentary sauna wrap, towel and face cloth per person.
We provide complimentary wrap, towel and face cloth per person.
Must be accompanied by legal guardian. When booking, just book for the adult and we will add the child when you arrive.
We offer many kinds of essential oil. We also offer body essentials, soaps, lotions, flip flops, water and more. Specific pricing available in store.
The ZEN DEN has a crushed salt floor to sink your feet into. The room is kept at a comfortable temperature and low humidity. Surround yourself in salt while relaxing in tranquil atmosphere. Best to allow your skin to be exposed to the salt so dress accordingly.
Must be accompanied by legal guardian. When booking, just book for the adult and we will add the child when you arrive.
Memberships & Packages Available. See details below.
Experience the many benefits of Himalayan Dry Salt Therapy in our Zen Den, Halotherapy suite. Sessions are 30 minutes each and prices are $30 per person. Our room fits up to four adults and offers a beautiful salt wall and crushed Himalayan salt floor. We built The Zen Den to be a cozy room with comfortable leather furniture and the maximum dry salt aerosol available.
There is no better way to relax your sore muscles and detoxify your body than a nice hot steam bath. Book one of our four private steam rooms, each equipped with a shower and private dressing room. We offer both 30- and 60-minute sessions. We provide everything you’ll need for a relaxing and enjoyable experience.
Contact Information, Terms and Agreement, Liability Waiver, & Cancelation Policy
Send a gift card to friends and family or buy it now for your future use.
**please note that you will need to book with us directly to redeem your gift certificate. **
This Steam Bath is over 102 years old. Formerly known as the Chair City Steam Bath, it is the oldest and longest running steam bath in Massachusetts. We are proud to bring it back to the community and we hope you love it as much as we do.
Here's a few important things to think about before you steam.
It is extremely important that you arrive for your appointment hydrated and in good health (and early!!).
We provide just about everything you would need. We offer towels, facecloths, Q-tips, body wash, deodorants, body lotion, make up remover pads, new prepackaged combs and complimentary sauna wraps.
We carry pure Attar Essential Oils from Monadnock Oil and Vinegar that can be purchased for $5 /15ml.
Please refrain from eating a heavy meal or drinking alcohol prior to your steam appointment. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone who appears intoxicated or under the influence of narcotics. It is also highly recommended that you do not steam during pregnancy as it's been proven to be dangerous to a developing fetus.
Please do not bring in any glass products or use any kind of body oils (like baby oil) in the steam bath. Both create an extremely dangerous environment for both staff and other guests. Using body oils creates a film over the floor and bench surfaces that is both slippery and repels disinfectants and cleaners. If you bring your own essential oils, we offer a complimentary service of swapping them into a plastic container so that you can bring them into the steam room.
**We have worked really hard to keep this place clean and to offer amazing services. Sadly, we have experienced some occasional theft at the steambath. People have stolen Sauna Wraps, Towels, Body Lotions and even one of our Copper Ladles. (That one hurt as it was a gift from an amazing customer and friend). Please remember that we are a small, family-owned business. When people steal from a small business like ours, it literally takes food off our table.
The rooms are totally private so you can wear whatever is comfortable. We offer complimentary sauna wraps for both men and women. These are washed and sanitized between guests.
You have the full 30 or 60 minutes in the steam room. If you arrive at 5:10 for a 30 minute, 5 O'clock appointment, you only have that steam room until 5:30. It is very important that you arrive early. If you are more than 15 minutes late with no call or text, we reserve the right to forfeit your appointment and rebook that room. Once you exit the steam room and are in your dressing room, you can take your time to cool down, dry off and get dressed. Please make sure you close and lock the back door to your dressing room when you are done and then flip the switch that is located to the right of the door. This turns on a red light above your door that tells us you have exited the steam room and we can access it to clean it for the next guest.
There are waterproof timers in each room. please leave them in the room when you leave. There are clocks in both the dressing rooms and hallway outside of the steam room. it is your responsibility to make sure you exit the steam room by the end of your appointment time as there is likely a guest booked right after you.
Most importantly, we kindly ask that you please DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING ON THE RADIATOR. Do not open the bleeder valve as this will deplete the pressure in our boiler and will effectively shut the system down.
And lastly, glass is not permitted in the steam rooms. If you bring and break glass in the room, it will need to be shut down to be cleaned and you will be charged a fee at minimum of $150 and up to $350 for the loss of revenue and clean-up costs.
There is likely an appointment booked after you. If you are more than 15 minutes late, your appointment may be cancelled.
The link below is our Liability Packet including our revised Cancellation agreement. You are welcome to print this, fill it out and bring it to your first visit.
Our Himalayan salt room is equipped with comfortable leather furniture and a four-and-a-half-inch, crushed Himalayan salt floor. It feels like you are walking on a beach.
Halotherapy can help relieve the symptoms of allergies, sinusitis, chronic bronchitis, cough/cold, asthma, emphysema, overall respiratory/lung function, acne, psoriasis, eczema and more.
Halotherapy was discovered in the 1800s by Polish miners who noticed their frequent exposure to salt mines yielded positive results in their skin and respiratory health. Halotherapy mimics the effects of long-term salt mine exposure- condensing it into a 30-minute session.
Unlike a salt mine, a Halotherapy room is in a controlled environment. The humidity levels and temperature range are generally 67-74 degrees f and 45% humidity. Some may find it cool in the salt room.
Halotherapy uses a special generator to grind pharmaceutical grade salt into fine particles known as Dry Salt Aerosol. Microparticles of salt are dispersed into the room during the 30-minute treatment session. The particles, measuring less than 5 micrometers in diameter, are small enough to penetrate deep into the lungs, bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli.
The inhaled salt kills bacteria and breaks down mucus and pollutants lodged in the respiratory tract. These can either be coughed up or eliminated through the blood stream. The treatment may reduce hypersensitivity and inflammation in the lungs, thin out mucus build-up, eliminate allergens, improve lung function and open up breathing passages. It also has many benefits for the skin by making the skin more resistant to bacteria, decreases swelling and inflammation, normalizes pH balance, increases turgor (elasticity and hydration of skin), stimulates cell repair and regeneration, increases permeability, decreases itching and improves skin circulation. It is also good for acne, eczema, hives, psoriasis in maintenance phase, atopic dermatitis, sebaceous hypersecretion (oiliness and dandruff), post operative states (aesthetic surgery) and cellulite.
Children respond to Halotherapy even more than adults. Ever try to irrigate the nose of a child with saline solution or to use an inhalation mask? Halotherapy makes it simple and more effective.
Children are welcome in the Salt Room. Any child that is 12 years old or under is $22 per session when accompanied by a paying adult.
Halotherapy is safe for all ages, from babies to seniors.
Q. What do I wear?
A. You can bring shorts and a t-shirt to change into or simply wear the clothes you have on. We also have complimentary sauna wraps you are welcome to wear. Nudity is not permitted in the salt room.
Q. What should I expect?
A. You will be brought into the dressing room where you will lock the door behind you. This is where you can hang and leave your belongings. Please use the provided towels to wipe your feet prior to going into the salt room. If you choose to wear shoes, including flip flops, please wear booties over them. The spa attendant will close the curtain that separates your dressing room and salt room from the salt storage area, where we will be starting the Halogenerator. Once you are ready, go into the salt room and close the door behind you. We will start your 30-minute Halotherapy session. We'll then knock on the door to let you know when it's finished. When you exit the salt room, leave the salt room door open and proceed to the dressing room where you will collect your belongings.
1. Don't shave the day of your salt treatment.
2. Don't rub your eyes during your session.
3. Leave your drinks in the dressing room.
4. Sit back, relax and take some nice deep breaths to get the most out of your session.
Limited Monthly Membership ($80.00)
Thats only $20 per session!
4 -1 hour sessions per 30 days
*These expire after 30 days
30 Minute Steam Bath 5 Pack ($80.00)
Thats only $16 per session!
5-30 min sessions
*These expire after two years
60 Minute Steam Bath 5 Pack ($120.00)
Thats only $24 per session!
5-60 min sessions
These expire after two years
*60 min steam sessions cannot be split into 2-30 min sessions
Steam & Salt Limited Monthly Membership ($80.00)
Thats only $20 per session!
4 sessions per month - mix & match
Includes 60 min steam/30 min Halotherapy
*These expire after 30 days
Steam & Salt 5 Pack ($120.00)
Thats only $24 per session!
5 total sessions - mix & match
Includes 60 min Steam/30 min Halotherapy
These expire after two years
*60 min steam sessions cannot be split into 2- 30 min sessions
Halotherapy 5 pack ($120.00)
5-30 min sessions
These expire after two years
**Children 12 years old and under can attend a Halotherapy treatment
with a paying adult for $22 per child. If booking online, please only book yourself and we can add your child to the appointment when you arrive.
**Children 12 and under can steam for free. Children 13 to 16 can steam for half price.
Please contact us to book an appointment for your child. Your child's DOB will be required to have on file to receive the discounted price.
Please contact us to book your appointment when using a gift certificate.
Please note: Our phone is only manned during business hours and one hour prior to opening. If you would like to book an appointment during our off hours, please leave a detailed voicemail or text message and we will call you back! Please do not assume that an appointment will be made based on only your voicemail. We will always confirm with you directly via phone or text.